Monday, October 20, 2008

Lost in the Fog (in progress)

I am reminded of an episode of Doctor Who when I look at this painting. If I am not mistaken Horror of Fang Rock is in fact a classic episode featuring the real Doctor Who (Tom Baker) and, of course, the lovely Leela who is for once amply clad. It's appropriate for the times, I think, since the episode begins with a captain who runs into the alien infested lighthouse, while speeding to shore with insider information that will bring him wealth in the stock exchange.
I use acrylic paint with brushes, sponges, a spray bottle and gravity, leaving much of the process to chance. I will be posting this painting again as it progresses, it may be unrecognizable next time.

Here is an example of work that I've done with this method:

Turbulence 2005

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Saturday, October 11, 2008


Gouache on library board
This painting is not strictly new, as I have had virtually zero creative output for months. I did this a few months ago after visiting The Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, after sitting and sketching for awhile. Gouache is basically opaque watercolor, which makes it much more forgiving than watercolor, but still can be reconstituted with water. I will post more about library board, as soon as I can find real information about this amazing material.
Unfortunately, this little painting never wanted to be finished, so this is how he will stay.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Red in the Morn

"Red in the Morn"
Chalk Pastel on Arches

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