Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Closing in to the end

It is November 26th and my little challenge will be coming to a close. I haven't counted my images, but I'm afraid it may not be nearly as many as I have planned on. I will be posting the best-of here and probably set a slide show of everything to the side of the page.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Land Locked

Today I am feeling really rather land locked. Which stems from the fact that I am, indeed, trapped in the middle of the country. I have been photographing my art to post in my various web pages and I am finding that I hardly ever stray from my nautical theme.

So, my posting today is my little ship in a bottle, set in the dried-up desert landscape.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 3 - Already behind!

This little challenge is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated. Two drawings* per day just doesn't really fit in my tiny little skull. Yesterday I only managed to create one, so I am already behind. I will stick by it, though, and try to make three today. I will probably post them later this week in a group, posting them every day would be another setback.

*I use the term "drawing" very loosely. I plan to paint, collage, make prints - anything that is artwork, with the exception of sculpture and performance art (although the latter may change later this month).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

National Novel Writing Month

I am not particularly loquacious. Unless I try very hard, my writing tends to be dry and often pretty green. However, I admire writers and am often jealous of their tools for inspiration. So, in the spirit of National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO), I am committing to two drawings/paintings per day, regardless of quality through November 30 for a total of 60 drawings.